Lead Exposure And
its Impact to the Environment

Lead Exposure And its Impact to the Environment

————   Lead Pollution and Lead Exposure    
Latex free and lead free radiation attenuating gloves offers an effective, safer and more sustainable option for healthcare professionals.
WHO identified lead as one of the 10 chemicals under major public health concern, lead being a potent poison which poses detrimental damages to almost every organ.Lead is highly persistent in the environment, and because of its continuous use, its level rise in almost every country, posing serious threats. There is no threshold value below which lead exposure can be considered safe.
Lead Free
Radiation Attenuating Gloves
Under occlusive condition,
lead in its ionized form
can penetrate more readily through the skin.

Leaded gloves can trigger lead contamination through various routes, including potential dermal uptake of ionized lead from the gloves. The safety on the continual use of leaded gloves in surgeries need to be reassessed and consider the change to  lead free radiation gloves.

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